4 ways to celebrate the end of breastfeeding.


I’ll be taking those back now thank you!


One night I was out with a group of friends, to celebrate the fact that the last one of us had finished breastfeeding. There we all were, wearing the dresses with high necklines that had been relegated to the back of the cupboard for years, drinking wine without looking at our watches to check when the baby would wake next.  

We chatted about how there was something very bittersweet about this threshold. Most of us had enjoyed breastfeeding - but we were still excited about getting our bodies back. For all the beautiful moments, there was also the biting, the grabbing and the constancy of this physical need from another human.  We had all felt so tired and drained. But after a couple of drinks there was also a feeling of melancholy in the group. With the end of breastfeeding comes another moment of separation.

We got around to talking about what the best gift would be to acknowledge the moment that a mother finishes breastfeeding. What could we as friends give to honour this time and help them announce the end of this phase of their lives? What hadn’t they been able to wear for those years of feeding a child from their body? 

We talked about burning all of our tired, stretched maternity bras in a giant bonfire, we fantasised about making origami from the left over breast pads while drinking a cocktail made from the leftover packets of frozen breast-milk in the freezer.

And then, we came up with the clear winner: Nipple Tassels. 

But not just any old nipple tassels, (because seriously who wears those things, and what is sex anyway?) we wanted to make Nipple Tassels that turn into the most beautiful of earrings. We’ve talked about this idea for years and have finally collaborated with textile artist Amy Carr-Bottomley from Wovenspoke to create our dream pair. A gorgeous, hand beaded golden pair of nipple tassels. There are a limited amount available, so get in touch at info@thethreshold.com.au if you have a friend currently searching for ways to mark this moment. 

And if tassels are a touch flamboyant for you, then here are some other ways for you to mark this threshold: 

1.    Purchase a top or a dress that can only be zipped up at the back: 

No more front button blouses for easy access, no more stretched feeding singlets, no more clip up bras and nursing pads – get out there and find yourself a top that requires assistance to get out of. 

2.    Get a massage: 

Due to the magic of breast milk, kids grow and they get big and heavy. Get yourself to a masseuse and treat those parts of your body that have been doing the heavy lifting. 

3.    Have a glass of wine. Or two. You bloody deserve it. 


Celebrating Father’s Day & it’s flaws.


Grateful for the life that is, grateful for the life that was.