Becoming the Elder


I make no secret about the boldness of this plan. Owning ageing is serious daredevil stuff. Society doesn’t approve. Grey is not the new black and wrinkles can be eradicated, with a sum of your hard earned cash.

I make no judgement about people who make different choices, but I think I was born to be old. I shaved my red mane off 18 months ago in preparation to grey glam it up.

So here we go, here is my 10 step program to becoming the Elder I want to have tea with. 

1. First climb in a very big dark hole. Stay there for along time. Ruminate, cry, laugh maniacally, sob more, write, despair, sweat, yell, cuss, repeat.

2. When you are exhausted get out of the hole. Take a deep breath. You will need to repeatedly do this while learning to be old.

3. Plunge yourself into an expansive body of water and your new life. It will be cold. It will be invigorating. Yell loudly in celebration.

4. Leave behind everything that doesn’t serve you. Cut, cut,cut. Things will hang on like barnacles. Pry them off. You need less than you think. Cry if necessary. Dancing is better, especially bare foot.

5. Consider your disguises. Try letting them go. They may impede you from being a better old person.

Every person has different ones, hair, nails, high heels, bras, tanning. Whatever impedes you from doing your thing, lose it. It will be a shock but you’ll grow on yourself and save time and money.

6. Draw down the stars and the moon. Rinse your new grey do with them. You’re not grey, you’re magic silver stars.

7. Stop more. There’s never been a better time to gentle your jangling nervous system. The ocean needs your witness. The fire needs your company. The kettle is always on.

8. Do the thing you want to do. I opened a magical dress up shop. Who knows what’s next?

9. Be kinder. Not just to others but yourself. You are worth it. Kindness is the ultimate religion.

10. Look yourself in the mirror and fall in love with yourself. If you don’t like what you see, view yourself with compassion until you do.

There is so much more.

To the Elders in my circle, my world, I give great thanks. I learn from you everyday.

I hope to be a great old person and I’m getting ready for it right now.

Put the kettle on 🖤

You can read more from Caroline Sarah and her creative adventures at The Story Costumer


Grateful for the life that is, grateful for the life that was.


Old School / New School