Participant Guidelines for Online Experience

Thanks for joining us for the Best. Party. Ever!

We are excited to share this work with you - and look forward to what you will bring to this interactive experience. 

Threshold is a company that delights in bringing people together and invites them to deepen their connection with each other.  In order for Best. Party. Ever. to be a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, we ask that you consider the following guidelines for participation:

  • Best. Party. Ever. is an experience for both Grandparents and Grandchildren. In order for the show to work, both parties must be present at all times. If either the Grandparent / Grandchild do not attend within the first 10 minutes Threshold will advise the family that they will need to be rescheduled into another session if possible.

  • Like the theatre, Best. Party. Ever. is a collective experience, so we ask that you keep your camera on during the show. 

  • Remember that the camera allows other  participants to see into your home. Make sure any images or objects visible in the background are appropriate to share. 

  • Best. Party. Ever. celebrates all levels and types of ability.

  • Screen sharing and private chat functions will be disabled during the showing for everyone except the facilitator. Please respect others’ privacy. Do not screen shot, photograph, or record any part of this experience. 

  • Break out rooms are used as part of this zoom based experience - children will only ever be paired with their own Grandparent/carer in a room.  

In the very unlikely event that these guidelines are not followed, Threshold will take appropriate action, which may include removing participants from the zoom call. 

Presentation partners

Best. Party. Ever has been developed with the support of Gippsland Performing Arts Centre, and assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body