An Interactive Exhibition

Social Story
A social story is a simple, illustrated narrative that helps children understand what to expect in a new situation, guiding them through experiences with clear, reassuring instructions
This social story is about the rainhouse exhibition.
Rainhouse is an intimate and interactive exhibition for families to experience together
Where: ArtPlay, City of Melbourne
When: August 2024- April 2025
For: Ages 0-5 and their adults
Where Are We Going?
We're going on an adventure to a special place called ArtPlay in Melbourne. It is in a big brown building, right along the river, behind Federation Square. You’ll get to see the city and there is a giant playground right next door.
What Will We Do?
At ArtPlay, we’ll explore an exhibition called ‘Rainhouse’.
We will be welcomed by someone at the front desk and then we can go in and put down our things near the door of a small room. There is even a spot to take off our shoes if we would like to feel the soft floor on our feet.
It’s a cosy and calm place made for families just like us! We’ll find our reflections in some mirrors in the room, play with soft, felt pieces, and maybe even lie down for a quiet rest.
What Can We Touch?
We can touch anything in the space! We’ll touch the fuzzy felt pieces and move them around. You can make your own special patterns and pictures. There are some mirrors where you can see yourself or your grown up. The carpet will be soft and there are big cushions we can pile up or lie down on.
What Can We See?
When we get to the exhibition, you’ll see lots of soft and colourful things. There will be gentle lights and sounds, just like the rain. There will be some soft string hanging from the ceiling that we are allowed to touch.
What can we hear?
There are sounds and music playing all the time we will be in the space. We will hear cello music, the sounds of children singing and talking, and some kookaburras! We will also hear the sound of the rain. You can play some of it now!
What Can We Talk About?
We can talk about the weather and how it makes us feel. Does the rain make you want to splash in puddles, or do you like to stay warm and dry? Maybe we can talk about how the seasons change—like when it’s cold and rainy or sunny and warm.
Where Can We Take Photos?
We can take some lovely photos together! Here are some spots you might like:
Near the puddles where we can see our reflections.
While we’re playing with the fuzzy felt pieces and making fun shapes.
Or maybe when we're all cuddled up, resting in the soft puddle on the floor.
What Will Happen After?
When we’re all done exploring, we can go outside and see the river or maybe even have a snack by the water. We can talk about all the fun things we saw and did, and you can tell us what your favourite part was!
More Adventures Await!
When we get home, the fun doesn’t have to stop! We can explore other adventures that the same artists have made, like Glow and Mountain Goat Mountain. ArtPlay has given us access to these for free, so we can keep playing together at home.
This is our special adventure at ArtPlay, a place made just for us to have fun and be together!
Rainhouse is produced by Threshold, an Australian company who create experiences that invite people to connect more deeply with each other.
Liz Francis
Nikita Hederics
Zoë Barry
Sarah Lockwood