Na! Ko! Ep!

Na! Ko! Ep!

Na! Ko! Ep! = Ready! Set! Go!

Listen in close to the audio cue

to prepare for your journey and build your canoe

In Kiribati, our canoes are like our best friend or a member of our family - and just like a member of our family, every canoe must have a name!

Usually our dreams give us the proper name for our canoes - but, we don’t have time for napping!

In the Kiribati alphabet we have just 13 letters - you can write them down, and help name your canoe.

A E I, O U M, N B K, R T W.

Oh and there’s one more, it’s n-g, it’s pronounced ‘ng’.


  1. Make up a name for your canoe using only the letters of the Kiribati alphabet. You can use some of the letters or all of them.

  2. Write your name with pride on a piece of paper

  3. Stick it on your canoe with pride!

A E I O U M N B K R T W and NG

A E I O U M N B K R T W and NG

Ti Ka Raoi! You are all set up for your adventure!

Before we set sail, make sure all voyagers have an empty bladder and a full belly.

Take a break, have a stretch and when you’re all refreshed, come back and follow the link below to begin your trip to the Island of Neiko!

Click on the crab to launch!

“Click, click, nip nip!”