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Continue your Threshold adventure at home!
Thanks to the support of ArtPlay, City of Melbourne you can explore our on-demand experiences ‘Mountain Goat Mountain’ and ‘Glow: A Family Dance Party’ from the comfort of your own home, for FREE! Read on for more details.
Threshold create experiences that invite people to connect more deeply with each other - wherever they are.
The children have asked to do “Mountain Goat Mountain” again and again…
— New York Times
‘Mountain Goat Mountain’ is an interactive audio theatre experience that bumps families out of the ordinary, and into a world where you work together to uncover its secrets, and discover the hidden treasures in each other.
ArtPlay is offering audiences a chance to experience Mountain Goat Mountain for free until December 2024. Available in English and Mandarin.
Glow is a digital subscription of creative
and connective moments for parents
and carers of new babies.
Threshold are offering ArtPlay visitors free access to one of the Glow Moments called ‘Dance’.
You are invited you to take just 8 minutes out of your day and delight in the luscious sounds of Zindzi Okenyo's voice partnered with the elemental beats by Zoë Barry.
Featuring the beautiful voice of Zindzi Okenyo!
From audio theatre experiences, to analogue treasure hunts Threshold's indoor adventures have brought the delight and wonder of theatre to thousands of homes across the globe.
Learn more about Threshold’s commitment to relational experiences here, or drop us a line at info@thethreshold.com.au
Threshold are grateful for the visionary support of the festivals and venues who have partnered with us to bring on demand experiences to their audiences.