RAIN: for babies and their carers

A time to wonder and wander together in the rhythm of the rain. 

‘RAIN: for babies and their carers’ is an intimate performance installation with live cello, created specifically for babes in arms and crawlers.

Since its creation in 2013, RAIN has toured to festivals and major performing arts centres across Australia and internationally in sold out seasons.

RAIN is a mesmerising and intimate sensory experience for babies and their families in which they are invited to slow down, notice, and wonder. Both an installation space and a performance that honours the baby-caregiver relationship as sacred and precious, this participatory experience introduces tiny audience members to the generosity of rain—its sounds, its shapes, even its wetness.

A trio of performers on cello, voice, and movement act as gentle guides in a brand-new world of surprise, delight, and opportunities for connection through sound, touch, and performance.

Tours include Hong Kong International Arts Carnival, Macao Cultural Center, Lincoln Center, NYC, Arts Centre Melbourne, DreamBIG Festival Adelaide, AWESOME Festival, Bunjil Place and Sydney Opera House.

RAIN tours with digital companion piece GLOW which was created by the same creative team. You can read more about the creative shift from live installation performance to digital experience HERE.

It is also currently being developed into a stand alone interactive installation with the support of ArtPlay, City of Melbourne. You can read more about it’s progress HERE.

Threshold are currently building a tour for RAIN and GLOW internationally in 2026.

Please email info@thethreshold.com.au for further information including a link to the full show and pricing.

“I think it is one of the best shows for very young audiences that I’ve come across in my career.”

— Jonathan Shmidt - Chapman / Executive Director Of Theatre For Young Audiences USA

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“It’s cleverly structured, and technically expert, theatre making”

— David Zampatti, The West Australian

"Billed as a 'mesmerising and immersive sensory experience', this show is all that and more."

— Nicole Russo, The Barefoot Review



  • Liz Francis

  • Nikita Hederics

  • Zoë Barry

  • Sarah Lockwood

  • Edwina Cordingley

  • Mardi Thorpe

  • Carolyn Bechervaise

  • Alicia Stafford

  • Amy Carr-Bottomley

  • Sophie Kurylowicz

RAIN was created with the support of ArtPlay’s New Ideas Lab, City of Melbourne in 2012